Getting Here
All roads lead to (or past) Romsey Show on showday!
ALL routes to and from Romsey can be very busy and queuing is inevitable at certain times of day, so please ensure you factor in extra travel time to accommodate any delays. We work closely with our contractors and the local authority to do everything we can to reduce queuing and waiting to a minimum.
Showground Address: Broadlands Park, Romsey SO51 9LQ
Please follow the ‘AA’ signs as you approach the Showground, the colours for routes relate to vehicle passes NOT tickets. Our Stewards will direct you to the correct part of the Showground and/or car parks.
For Disabled Parking – please enter the Showground via the Palmerston Roundabout entrance (main Broadlands House entrance) and display your blue badge as you enter. This will ensure you are parked as close as possible to the entrance. Spaces are limited and allocated on a first come basis.
Please note – Lee Lane is closed for access on show day, please follow the AA Signs.
ALL parking is free. The showground, and car parking, is on grassland with very few hard surfaces.
Show Office Address: 4 The Carthouses, Broadlands, Romsey SO51 9LQ
Access to the Show Office is via Lee Lane and Spaniards Lane (there is no access via the Main Estate House off Palmerston Roundabout).
Visits to the Show Office are by appointment only. Please call or email to arrange a visit, the Office is no longer open full hours.
01794 517 521 or
Show Office
4 The Old Carthouses,
SO51 9LQ
Telephone: 01794 – 517521
Countdown to 13th September