The Romsey Agricultural & Horse Show Society
The Romsey Agricultural and Horse Show Society is a registered charity. The Society’s principal objective, under its Memorandum and Articles is “To promote agriculture, forestry, horticulture, allied industries, rural crafts, the breeding of livestock including horses, and to encourage skill and industry in such enterprises” and “To hold in pursuance of its main objects an annual agricultural show”.
The charity is run by its Trustees. From among these Trustees a Chairman and up to two Vice-chairman are elected to serve two-year terms in each office, along with an Honorary Treasurer. Our current officers are Norton Welch (Chairman) and Dan Hallett (Treasurer). Members at the Annual General Meeting elect an Honorary President – currently Judith Long and Jim Greenwood.
The Society also has a number of Committees who lead on the various specific areas of the Society and Show – these include Executive (on which the Chairman of each Committee sits), and the Farm, Horse, Trade & Gates Committees, as well as a Social Working Group.
All the Officers and Committee Members are volunteers; employing a full-time Secretary (Alexa Morson) and a part-time Finance Officer (Sharon Hillman).
In addition to these Members we have a veritable army of volunteers and Stewards (many of who are Society Members) who help set-up, run and take-down the show, along with helping in various other vital ways throughout the year.
Romsey Agriculture and Horse Show Society; Charity registration number: 1007948 and a Company Limited by Guarantee with Companies House No. 02370986

Dogs and the Romsey Show:
Romsey Show welcomes dogs to accompany their owners, but MUST be kept on short non-retractable leads at all times. Please note there are some areas where dogs are not permitted for health and safety reasons.
Dog friendly facilities are available throughout the showground. Please clear up after your dog. Remember – show day may be hot; under NO circumstances should animals be left in vehicles.