REGULATIONS – for Exhibitors 2019

The Council will not be responsible for any error, which may appear in the catalogue, or for any entry being made in the wrong class.  It is the responsibility of each exhibitor to read these rules and abide by them.

The Show Society takes the health and welfare of animals seriously and has signed up to the ASAO Animal Welfare Plan.  This Plan relates to animals paraded, exhibited, ridden and/or for display purposes.  The Show Society will take whatever appropriate measures it deems necessary to ensure the best welfare conditions exist for all animals.  All exhibitors are required to ensure their animals are fit and healthy upon arrival and throughout their time at the Show.  More details relating to health and welfare matters can be found elsewhere in these Regulations.


  1. The printed entry forms and certificates to be filled in by exhibitors for prizes at the Annual Show shall be kept by the Secretary and every person intending to exhibit shall obtain the forms and send them duly filled in to the Secretary together with the appropriate entry fee and by the date advertised in the Schedule. No prize shall be awarded unless the exhibitor shall have first complied with this rule. Any entry received after the date above referred to shall be accepted only at the discretion of the Secretary and any such late entry that may be so accepted shall be liable to an entry double the normal entry fee [no exceptions].
  2. Any exhibitor or other person deceiving or attempting to deceive the Council by entering animals in the wrong classes, ownership or name contrary to these Rules, Classes and Regulations will forfeit the whole of the entrance fee, or any other prizes won by him/her at the Show except prizes won by exhibits correctly entered by him/her and will not be allowed in future to exhibit at the Romsey Agricultural and Horse Show Society’s exhibitions. The responsibility for correctness of all entries will rest with the owner or his/her agent and not with the Secretary of the Society for accepting such entry.
  3. Any exhibitor, or other person, deceiving the Council by entering animals which have been administered any medicament or drug thereby hiding their true mental or physical condition, will forfeit their entrance fees and any prizes won and will not be allowed to exhibit in the future. The Society reserves the right to test any horse or livestock exhibits for the presence of hormones or illegal substances, which may affect the behaviour, or performance of the animal in the ring. Refusal to submit a sample will be dealt with by the Society at their discretion.
  4. The Society vet will have the right to treat an animal if urgent attention is required and the owner cannot be found.
  5. Unless otherwise stated, exhibitors may enter an unlimited number of animals in each class, subject to the special conditions of the respective classes. However, cattle wishing to be considered for the Cattle Champion of Champions Award can only be awarded qualifying points in one ‘section’ of cattle (ie Open Beef OR Native/Rare Breed, not through both). If an animal is moved from a breed class to an open class (due to lack of entries), they will automatically receive the same points as it would have received if it had won the relevant breed section (30 points), irrespective of where it finishes in the open class.
  6. Every exhibitor of livestock who shall send for exhibition any animal which, to his/her knowledge is not safe to handle, or is suffering from, or has been in contact with any animal suffering from any contagious or infectious disease, shall forfeit and pay to the Secretary the sum of £1000 as and for liquidated damages for each and every animal sent, and in the event of the Society’s Veterinary Inspector certifying that any animal sent for exhibition is, in his/her opinion, a source of danger, such animal shall be removed with due speed by the exhibitor or his servant from the Showground, or be otherwise dealt with as the Veterinary Inspector may direct with a view to averting danger or the spread of contagion.
  7. ALL prize-winning cattle and sheep must take part in the Grand Parade, held at 3pm in the Presidents (main) Ring or risk forfeiture of prizes. The committee would appreciate it if exhibitors would also parade non-prize winners. In the case of sheep, a decision will be made on Show day as to whether it will be Non-MV Accredited sheep or MV Accredited sheep participating in the Grand Parade (due to enforceable accreditation regulations for the Show). Stewards reserve the right to remove any animal deemed unsafe from the Grand Parade. Cattle must not be loaded for removal until 4pm or prizes will be forfeited. Cattle may be paraded in order of breeds and classes as shown in the schedule. At the discretion of the Grand Parade Chief Steward.  

No cattle exhibits are to be removed before 4.00pm. The Secretary has no authority to give any written or verbal permission for an exhibit to be removed. The Council reserves the right to reject any exhibit or exhibits not complying with this regulation.

  1. In cases where the prizes are offered or awarded conditionally, and in the classes for novices, they will be withheld until the exhibitor shall have proved to the satisfaction of the Council that the conditions have been complied with, and it is incumbent that the exhibitors prove the correctness of their certificates if required to do so. Should any exhibitor fail to do so to the satisfaction of the Council, the entry in question will be disqualified and awards made to it will be cancelled.
  2. In cases of any prize animals being disqualified, the winner of the next succeeding prize in that class shall take the prize that has been awarded to such disqualified animal. The lowest prize in the class shall go to the reserve number provided a reserve ticket has been awarded.
  3. Any exhibitor or his/her servant who shall refuse to obey an order from the stewards or who shall be guilty of improper behaviour shall not be allowed to compete, and the Council shall have the power to order the offender to leave the Show and to refuse that person’s entry for future Shows. The Council reserve the right to reject or cancel the entry or entries made by any person, if they deem it fit to do so.
  4. Numbers will be supplied by the Secretary, and must be properly attached to each exhibit by the exhibitor before being admitted to the Show ring. No exhibit will be allowed to wear rosettes or ribbons other than those issued by the Society.
  5. All stock and servants in charge of same will be subject to the Orders, Rules and Regulations of the Society. Servants only will be allowed to enter the Showground with stock.
  6. No animal may be permitted to be removed from its place without the permission of the Stewards of the department.
  7. No person shall be allowed to fix any placard on the Showground without the written permission of the Secretary, and no exhibitor shall be allowed to distribute handbills on the Showground.
  8. A free admission wristband/badge will be sent to each exhibitor, and wristbands/badges for use of bona fide servants in charge of stock. In case of the transfer or the improper use of a wristband/badge, it will immediately be cancelled and the full price of admission charged.
  9. No person but the ring stewards and any authorised official shall be in any of the rings, or shall have any communication with the judges during the time judging is taking place. Any exhibitor or their agents acting in opposition to this rule shall forfeit such premiums as may be awarded to their exhibit. No exhibits to enter the rings with any distinguishing mark save as allowed by the Regulations.
  10. In cattle classes, second and third prizes will always be awarded unless the judge considers the entries of insufficient merit. Should there be any recommendations not recorded in the schedule such recommendations will be decided upon at Council subsequent to the Show, but the recommendation shall not in any way bind the Council to award the prize.
  11. No prize shall be awarded when, in the opinion of the judges, there is not sufficient merit, and neither shall any premium be given to the exhibitor who shall not have complied with the Regulations of the Society.
  12. Every animal must be paraded (including in the Grand Parade), or ridden or driven as and when required by the Council; any exhibitor failing to comply with this Regulation shall pay a forfeit of £10 or their prize money.
  13. All animals must be brought properly secure to the satisfaction of the stewards of the department, or they will not be admitted to the ground. The animals will be paraded in the ring at the discretion of the steward and exhibitors are requested to see that sufficient staff are in attendance for this purpose at the hours appointed by the stewards.
  15. Every animal will be considered and treated as being in the sole custody of the exhibitor during the whole period of the Show, and until removed every exhibitor must have at least one servant in charge of the animals exhibited by him/her, and the Romsey Agricultural and Horse Show Society will not be responsible in respect of any loss, damage or injury arising from accident or any other cause whatsoever. The servant in charge must have the admission or delivery order in his possession.
  16. Any exhibitor lodging any objection must deposit £50, which will be forfeited if the objection is disallowed; all objections must be delivered in writing at the Secretary’s office on the Showground within 30 minutes of the incident, which has caused the objection to be raised. The Council whose decision shall be final will decide upon the objection.
  17. All disputes respecting the Rules and Regulations of the Society together with all questions, the consideration of which is not otherwise provided for, shall be referred to the Council, whose decision shall be final.
  18. All exhibits must be ready 10 minutes prior to the start of the class and must be present in the ring to be judged.
  19. ALL PRIZE MONEY (unless otherwise stated) MUST BE COLLECTED, WITH THE PRIZE CARD AS IDENTIFICATION, FROM THE I.C.E. STAND. NO PRIZE MONEY WILL BE SENT OUT AFTER THE SHOW. Cattle exhibitors not entering the Grand Parade at 3pm, or loading their animals before 4.00pm, risk forfeiting their prize money.
  20. All cups and trophies must be returned to the Secretary clean and undamaged, by hand or registered post, by the 1st August. Exhibitors who fail to do this may have their entries refused.
  21. Entries may be substituted provided the Secretary is notified in writing, such notification to reach her three clear days before the Show, except in classes held under B.S.J.A. Rules where those apply.
  22. Entrance fees for livestock exhibits, which have to be withdrawn before the Annual Show due to illness or accident will be refunded, provided a Veterinary Officer’s Certificate is produced, within one month of the show.
  23. Every exhibit must be the bona fide property or leasee of the exhibitor at the time of entry except in the case of the Heavy Horse Turnout where the owner of the vehicle shall be considered as the exhibitor. If the animal is sold after the date of entry the change of ownership must be noted to the Show Secretary. Stallions leased for the season will be considered the property of the lessor.
  24. The term exhibitor will include persons taking part in any competition or display arranged by the Society, and the owner of any animal, plant, machinery, or other thing involved in such competition or displayer otherwise exhibited in the Showground. Save for death or personal injury caused by negligence of the Society, its servants or agents, the Society will not be responsible for death, injury, disease, damage or loss caused to an exhibit or to their servant or agent or to any animal, article, plant, machinery, or thing of whatever nature brought to the Showground by said exhibitor from whatever cause such as death, injury, disease damage or loss arises.
  25. The Society shall not be responsible to any person whosoever whilst upon the Society Showground for any form of economic loss whether direct or indirect how so ever caused.
  26. The Society requires all Entrants and Exhibitors to insure themselves and their exhibits against all liabilities both to the Society and to all other persons using the Society Showground unless the Secretary has given written dispensation. The right is reserved to require an appropriate certificate of insurance to be produced for inspection by the Society at the Show Office or upon the Showground.
  27. All entrants shall indemnify and hold harmless the Society from and against all actions, suits, expenses and claims made against the Society on account of or in respect of the negligence or breach of contract of the entrant.
  28. The Society reserves the right to print exhibitor details in the Show Catalogue and the results. Completion of the entry form indicates that the exhibitor has agreed to these arrangements.
  29. The use of mobile phones is NOT permitted if a competitor, exhibitor and/or their associates are responsible for an animal (ie holding, leading, or riding) in the cattle or horse walks, exercise area, warm up areas, and collecting rings. The use of mobile phones in the judging rings is forbidden.  Mobile phones must NOT be used when handling animals in the Grand Parades. Any person found using a mobile phone when handling an animal or supervising a young person handling an animal will be excluded from the ring or parade.
  30. POSTPONEMENT/CANCELLATION OR ABANDONMENT. Exhibitors shall not have any claim against the Society or any member of the Society in respect of any loss or damage whatsoever consequent upon the show or any part of it failing to be held or having to be abandoned (for whatever reason eg extreme weather, security alerts, etc). No entry monies will be repaid and the Show Society will have no liability for expenses, consequential loss or damage suffered by exhibitors or their representatives as a result of this action.
  31. Any artificial contrivance or device of any description found on or proved to have been used on an animal at any time whilst that animal is in the Showground, either for preventing the flow of milk or for any other improper purpose, will disqualify that animal from being awarded a prize, and any prize awarded prior to discovery will be forfeited. The Instigator or The Owner of the said animal may be prohibited from again entering Stock for any of the Society’s Shows, for such period as the Committee may see fit. For the purpose of this Regulation, the term ‘improper practice’ shall be held to include setting of teats, and generally any other practice including tampering of their own or any other animal by the exhibitor or any other person which results in the animals being shown other than in a natural state, and the Society reserves the right to have all animals inspected by the Society’s Veterinary Officers, prior to, during, or after judging.

The Society will not tolerate the administration to show exhibits (entered either for competition or sale/demonstration) of tranquillisers or other drugs which may in any way affect the performance of the animal in question to have the effect of making it behave in the show ring in a manner which is not natural. The Society reserves the right to take any necessary samples. Any Person or Exhibitor (or his/her representative) who is found to have administered or permitted the administration of any such tranquilliser or drugs to any Show exhibit will be reported to the Organising Committee, and dealt with at their discretion. In addition the matter will be referred to the appropriate Breed Society or Organisation.

Any Exhibitor wishing to lodge an objection, having reference to Livestock exhibited at this Show, must make the same in accordance with the objection requirements of the Society. If, on investigation, the objection is not sustained to the satisfaction of the Committee, the sum thus deposited shall, at the discretion of the Committee, be forfeited to the funds of the Society. All objections must be lodged on the same day as the alleged incident occurred in accordance with the objection regulations, and no objection will be SUBSEQUENTLY received, unless a reason, satisfactory to the Committee be assigned for the delay.


ALL cattle must be from herds on which no movement restrictions have been served by DEFRA.  No animal accepted for entry may be exhibited if, after entry, such movement controls are imposed.

Please refer to and for further information.   These rules will apply to all cattle, not just ‘High risk’ herds, as the housing for cattle at the Show will be within an enclosed marquee; all cattle moving from premises in parishes with a 1 year TB testing interval must have undergone a TB test with a negative result within 60 days of the Show.   Herds where the TB tests are scheduled at an interval 4 years will not require pre-movement testing.

Any/ALL alpacas must be pre-movement tested for Bovine TB and from flocks on which no movement restrictions have been served by DEFRA.  No animal accepted for entry may be exhibited if, after entry, such movement controls are imposed.

ALL exhibitors (cattle) will be required to provide written confirmation of these test results with their entry, and also have them available for inspection on Showday.

In the event of these regulations changing, exhibitors should be aware and must comply with the current legislation, rules and conditions in force at the time of the Show.


  1. All foals must be the offspring of the mare with which they are exhibited and accompany them into the judging ring. Where mares are entered as ‘in foal’, the prize will be withheld until a certificate of foaling within the stated period has been furnished to the Secretary.
  2. The use of sawdust above the knee, the use of resin, soap or other substances in any form or way designed to give an artificial appearance, or any improper means adopted in showing an animal shall disqualify such animal.
  3. Horses may be measured in the shoes they come in, and the Council reserves the power to disqualify any horse, which, in its opinion, is excessively or unfairly shod.
  4. Exhibit numbers are the same as those in the catalogue. Such number is to be tied on the back of the rider or leader.
  5. No Horse or Pony (other than foals accompanying their dams) not having been entered for exhibition in the Show will be allowed onto the Showground. Proof of entry may be required, by showing appropriate number for exhibits. A Foal not entered in its own right on the entry form and not wearing an allocated number is not eligible to win a prize.
  6. All animals must remain within the Stock/Horse lines designated and must not be exercised throughout the Showground at any time. Access to the Rings, via the official Horse Walks, will only be allowed for judging and parading.
  7. Competitors must wear the correct number of each entry or they may be disqualified by default.
  8. All those entering the Rings with Horses/Ponies, or to attend Horses/Ponies, must be suitably dressed, i.e. including hats and jackets in mounted classes. Anyone riding a Horse/Pony anywhere on the Showground is required to wear a properly fastened hat with harness that conforms to current British Standards regardless of breed society rules.
  9. Exhibitors who are likely to have Horses or Ponies in more than one Ring at the same time should provide additional riders and/or handlers.
  10. In the Ridden classes, whilst every effort will be made, it may not be possible for the judge to ride every Horse or Pony in that class.
  11. Fall of Horse/Pony or rider will result in elimination from that class. Riders must not remount in the ring.
  12. All Stallions and Colts two years old or over, in Mountain and Moorland classes must be in possession of a current Defra, National Pony Society or appropriate Breed Society Stallion Licence. All Stallions to be shown as regulated by their Breed Societies.
  13. The organisers of this Show have taken reasonable precautions to ensure the health and safety of everyone present. For these measures to be effective, everyone must take reasonable precautions to avoid and prevent accidents occurring and must obey the instructions of the Organisers and all the Officials and Stewards.
  14. The Society reserves the right to prevent access to the Showground for any Exhibitor, irrespective of the fact they may have entered Horses or Ponies in any class. Under these circumstances any entry fees or other fees would be refunded.
  15. The Society shall not be responsible to any entrant/person whatsoever while upon the Societies Showground for any form of economic loss, direct or indirect and howsoever caused.
  16. Any incident, accident or injury pertaining to property, animal, exhibitor or their servants, members of the public or show officials must be reported to the Show Secretary immediately.
  17. The organisers reserve the right to substitute other judges, for those named, or to make additional appointments. Classes may be split or amalgamated at the judge’s decision. The decision of the judge is always to be accepted as final.

57. Handlers of ponies in In-Hand classes aged 14 years and under MUST wear correctly secured current British standard skull                      caps/riding hats. Donkey classes at owners’ discretion.

  1. NPS Affiliation 2019 No S24.034 The NPS/NAF M&M Working Hunter Pony Longines Royal International Horse Show Championship Open to pure bred registered M&M stallions, mares and geldings, five years old or over. The owner must be a Qualifying or Life member of the NPS for the pony to enter this competition. Riders may only ride one pony in each class. The highest placed pony from each class to qualify for the final at Hickstead 2020. Qualification may pass down to third in the event first and second have already qualified. At the final riders must also be NPS members. NPS Membership cards are no longer required to be shown in the ring to qualify.
  2. NPS Qualifying Rounds: These classes are judged under the Rules of the NPS. Ponies must be registered in the main body of their respective Mountain & Moorland Stud Books. Part breds are not eligible for Mountain & Moorland Classes. To compete in Show Pony and Show Hunter Pony classes ponies must be registered in the NPS British Riding Pony Stud Book, Register, Appendix, International or Sports Pony section of the BRPSB, the GSB, the AHSB, the AASB or in the main body of their respective Mountain & Moorland Stud Books. Part-Breds are not eligible unless entered in the NPS British Riding Pony Stud Book, Register, Appendix, International or Sports Pony section of the BRPSB.

Qualifying rounds for most NPS competitions are open to ponies owned by NPS members and non-members but only ponies owned by adult NPS Qualifying or Life members are eligible to qualify for the final of the competition at the NPS Summer Championship Show August 2020

The highest placed pony, if owned by an NPS member, in each class will qualify for the final.    Qualification may pass down to third place if the first and second ponies are already qualified.  

NPS/Rosettes Direct Home Produced Ridden Championship – Riders of Home Produced ponies (see definition in the NPS Rules Book) can wear a white arm band in classes where this is indicated. These ponies, if owned by NPS members, are then eligible to qualify for the final at the NPS Summer Championship Show. The Owner’s Membership cards MUST be produced in the ring when requested or the qualification will be forfeit.

  1. Stallions/Colts may not be LED by any Juniors who have not attained their 14th birthday before 1 Jan in the current year in any class. Any stallion not exceeding 138cms or small breed M & M stallions, Dartmoor, Exmoor, Shetland and Welsh A & B – may NOT be ridden by Juniors who have not attained their 11th birthday before 1 Jan in the current year. Stallions exceeding 138cms or large breed M & M stallions, i.e. Connemara, Dales, Fells, Highlands, New Forest, Welsh Sections C & D – may not be ridden by any juniors who have NOT attained their 14th birthday before 1st Jan in the current year in any class affiliated to the NPS or Ponies (UK).  Where classes are affiliated to both NPS & Ponies (UK) the classes will be run under NPS Rules.
  2. All equines should be accompanied by their approved DEFRA passport. Horses must have been vaccinated to comply with the requirements of the primary course (1st vaccination and then 2nd vaccination between 21 – 92 days later), followed by the first booster (150 – 215 days) and all subsequent boosters. Horses may compete having received the primary course and prior to the first booster but not within 7 days of receiving a vaccine dose. Horses must have been vaccinated within 6 months before the show but not less than 7 days of arriving at the show. Spot checks will take place.
  3. All qualifying classes will be run under the Rules of the relevant Society/Association. Copies of all the applicable rules are available in the Secretary’s Tent.
  4. HEAVY Horse Class West of England Heavy Horse Championship 29th September 2019

Kindly sponsored by Wadworth & Co. Brewers, Devizes.

Heavy Horse Champion – In Hand, Heavy Horse Champion – In Show Harness.

If exhibitors have queries the West of England Heavy Horse Championships organising Secretary can be contacted:- Ruth Monks telephone 07912 793017

64. Rules for Working Hunter/Pony classes not affiliated.


1st Phase:

Jumping ———————————————————————– 50

Style while jumping ——————————————————-  10

2nd Phase:

Conformation type and freedom of action —————————  30

Manners. ———————————————————————  10


First refusal —————————————————————–  15

Second refusal ————————————————————–  20

Third refusal —————————————————–  Elimination

Knock down —————————————————————-  10

Fall of either horse or rider in either phase —————  Elimination

A minimum of 5 fences, course to entail a change of direction.  Riders may only complete 1 pony in each section.  Jumping will be taken first and any pony eliminated will not be required for final judging.  Snaffle bridles are permitted but not spurs, and there must be no change of saddlery between phases.


  1. By entering into a class at The Romsey Show, you agree that The Romsey Agricultural & Horse Show Society may use any personal contact information you provide in order to contact you in the future about The Romsey Agricultural & Horse Show Society future shows and share competition results with relevant third parties.

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